It’s been a year since I read a book or feel like reading one. I feel really bored when I travel alone from
I felt reading a book is a boring as waiting till 6’o clock to leave the office..But some say that it’s as exciting as waiting for your salary to be credited to your account over the month end….(Mind blowing analogy na ?? )..
The book was titled ‘The 3 Mistakes of My life’ by..Chetan Bhagat. The cover page with three guys (Yuva Pose) with bails on their top..has something to say about their story…..
This is probably the first book I read from beginning till the end..
(My College Professors may be happy knowing that I finally read a book)
I knew Chetan was the Author of “Five Point Someone” .(which I incidentally read on my return journey,my second book of course)..But I found his latest book more interesting than his debut ‘Five Point Someone’. I first thought ,how come a studious guy from IIT & IIM can write a book on sensitive issues (At least in India) like Cricket and Religion.Chetan, I think, was successful in maintaining balance between the two with a perfect mixture of business..
It may be Ishaan’s Commitment as a coach,Omi’s over enthusiasm or Govind’s world of maths…Every thing was perfect in their own way..
There are some excellent quotes right from ‘acknowledgements’ page ..few are quoted below,..,
· ‘Admiration Passes Love Endures’
· ‘There are advantages of having an intelligent wife, I could never be a detective’
· ‘More Hindu kids sleep hungry every night than Muslim, but they say Muslims are downtrodden’.
The Earthquake of
It becomes a boring iniatilly..but author injects interest through ‘Vidya’.I bet most of you will i agree that.I found this book better than ‘Five point someone’,may be Vidya’s character is much more interesting than Neha’s or may be because it has some interesting aspects like maths and Cricket, because with Cricket, Life is the second priority,.
Overall it is a sensitive & thought provoking book, you may not get enlightened but you definitely Think!!