me to say Mumbai ;-)
Wanna Google!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Half burnt Flower pot ....India
me to say Mumbai ;-)
Friday, October 30, 2009
The Accident !!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Happie Diwali....!!!
Give up the bombs..just Diya's will do!!.
Enjoy the festival of lights...
Happy Diwali!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Life in a Super Metro !!
The city is mostly owned by Real estate giant DLF owning about a property of 50 thousand crores…there’s is no wonder if some one calls this city as “DLF-Gurgaon”.
New friends, fun at work and the mall culture helped in getting along with the city.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
2 years and Counting......

Thursday, August 27, 2009
And "they" lived happily together

Many love stories begin in a train…….
Not very often one finds a beautiful passenger by his side during long journeys.
Incidentally (I wish I could use ‘fortunately’), I found one...
A masked woman with white top over blue jeans sat by my side. Her hair covered her ears but not her long ear rings with blue emeralds and a small ruby. Those sparkling ear rings looked like she hung a dozen stars down her ears. She was the only one wearing a mask (swine effect) in the entire compartment, being odd she removed the mask.
Her cute smile, sparkling eyes, shining skin were very similar to the dream girl I was waiting for. Is this one of my many crushes or is this love, yet again??
Our conversation started when “chai waala” asked us to share the change for the amount we paid for Tea. She smiled at me and my smile was on its way before that….During our conversation I discovered that she is pursuing MBA from a reputed college in Pune.
She has a younger brother in
That was a wonderful journey and wished this journey should go for few more years.
That was never gonna happen.
The next morning, it was time to reach Hyd.We exchanged out phone numbers, hoping to get in contact again. When the train reached the station, she was received by a young man who I thought was her brother. I went to her to say Goodbye. She smiled and introduced me to that person
“He is Pranav, My husband!!” she said.
Hamare naseeb mein woh nahi tho hame koi gham nahi..
be-naseeeb tho woh hai jinke naseeb mein ham nahi….
Friday, June 12, 2009
Religion..a Social barrier??

Before You Read:
This Post is my general opinion and not meant to insult or discriminate any Religion. If this hurts the feelings of any individual, then…well who cares ;-)
Hey Guys, I m back with a blog after a long time I guess.
This time lemme get religious!!
Azhar Rehman (Name Changed),a Muslim Student filed a petition in Supreme Court early this year stating that he was not allowed to attend classes in his School with his beard. Azhar argued that his religion does not allow him to shave, but the school management were very particular about their rules that no student(irrespective of any religion) should have a beard .However, the Supreme court had dismissed the petition.
India, a country where ‘Religion’ is rated higher than ‘humanity’, is a land of cultural
barriers (at least emotionally).Should we be proud that we are a State of Diversified religions yet we are one or should we be hating ourselves for implanting these differences in our children’s minds right from their Schooling? .I used the word ’School’ because it is where a human being gets molded as someone useful or useless.
I feel that a student should not be allowed to carry religious symbols to schools This may be of different forms .A ‘Cross’ wore by a Christian .A ‘Tabeez’ or beard by a Muslim. The 4 k’s of Sikhs Kesh(uncut hair),Kanga(wooden comb),Kara(steel bracelet),kirpan (small sword) (Kachhera ,cotton underwear the 5th K is an exception) and for Hindus ,A ‘Namam’ indicating a Brahmin ,a bracelet or lockets of any of the million Hindu gods ,sacred threads, or other tilaks..
This is a long list if we count the religions or castes in India…..
Do you think these symbols are required for a student?? I don’t think our children go to school to represent our religion. Do they??
As said by a Muslim Scholar,’one, who has a beard, is a true Muslim’.
According to my observation, none of the Pakistan’s Presidents or PM’s had beards, even Jinnah did not have .APJ Abdul Kalam,Omar Abdulah,Farookh Abdullah,Gulam Nabi Azad,
All the khans of Bollwood, Ajim Premji and many more. So, are all these not true Muslims??
I have later discovered that even Quran(Islam’s Holy Book),does not mention these rules. It even does not say to perform prayers 5 times a day or even Roza. All these are the rules made by people and say these are the rules made to reach God (Well these are personal practices, no comments on it)
In France, it’s a Govt. rule that the students should not be distinguishable by their attire or religious markings. Hence no student is allowed to represent his religion in one way or the other.
I feel there must be one such rule in India where schools should produce good human beings and not Hindus, Muslims or Sikhs.
I condemn all the religious massacre’s happening around the world. If religion is the root cause of all the social disturbances then I would be happy to sacrifice it.
Let us learn to be Humans first!!
Inspired From:”The Buck Stops Here’, NDTV.